Welcome to Westport Federated Church
Sunday at 10:00 AM traditional service with both traditional and contemporary hymns.
Saturday 7:00 PM contemporary Bible Study service.
All are welcome who seek to know more about Jesus. Hope to see you soon!
Sunday service is posted on Facebook Monday!

About Westport Federated Church
Faithful Living
Westport Federated Church - Following Jesus in the Company of Friends. We welcome all individuals seeking God’s love and our doors are open to every soul seeking to welcome Jesus into their heart.
Mission Statement of the Westport (NY) Federated Church
The purpose of this Church is to give visible form to that faith and fellowship to which God has called his people. We acknowledge ourselves to be a local manifestation of the universal church and through which Jesus Christ continues to minister to the world by His Holy Spirit. We shall seek to fulfill this calling though corporate worship services, through a program of Christian nurture by which our members may be built up in their faith and love, through proclamation of the gospel by word and deed, and through ministering to human need in the name of Christ.
Recognizing Jesus Christ as the only head of the Church, we shall seek to ascertain and obey the will of our Lord in all matters of faith and practice. Authority to reach decisions for the governing of the affairs of this Church being given to us by Christ, we hold that such authority and responsibility is vested in the membership of the Church.
Contact Us
6486 Main Street
P.O. Box 386
Westport, New York, 12993